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Morse Code Bracelet

Morse Code 1.jpg
Morse Code 1.jpg

Morse Code Bracelet

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This bracelet is full of love, from the semi-precious gemstones to the special heart charm.  It has been made with Rose Quarts, known as the stone of love, Sterling Silver, and silver Japanese Seed Beads. This is a very special bracelet. I mean who wouldn't love giving and receiving a bracelet with a "secret message" that only you and the recipient know what it means. It has been made by using the Morse Code to spell "I love you".  The smaller Sterling Silver beads as the dots and the Silver Japanese Seed for the dashes.  The number and sequence of the dots and dashes determine each letter. The Rose Quartz Beads have been used to separate each letter in the phrase. Sterling Silver Beads are used to calm and to soothe emotions. They encourage us to develop and trust our intuition so that we can move through life. Sterling Silver helps to strengthen our core integrity.  A card will be enclosed with your bracelet so you can see how the design was arrived at and how the actual dots and dashes were used to achieve the specific letters in your bracelet.

Please contact me should you wish a Morse Code Bracelet with another "secret word or message" such as "Strength", "Love", "Sister", "Mom", "Faith", Hope" or any word that you would like. Prices and style may vary depending how many words or phrases are used.  In some cases a necklace could be required or possibly a double wrap bracelet.