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Chakra Bracelet #8


Chakra Bracelet #8

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Unakite, Red Tiger Eye, Citrine, Lepidolite, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Mookaite Jasper.  

Chakras are defined as the wheels of rotating energy that are located throughout the body and have been used for healing therapy for thousands of years.  Energy flows within the physical body but the energy will also affect you emotionally, mentally and spiritually. There are seven major chakras.  Each chakra location has its own meaning, its own stones and its own colours that are used for awareness and consciousness.

Chakra Bracelet #8 - This group of special semi-precious gemstones are threaded onto a quality stretch elastic for flexibility and comfort and are bordered on each side with silver plated tubes.

Root – Unakite - Balance emotions, mind with heart and emotions, Set intentions on love, compassion & kindness, Businesses in Beauty, aromatherapy & fashion design, marriage counsellors & divorce attorneys would benefit from this stone

Sacral – Red Tiger Eye - Protection, Courage & self-confidence, Useful grounding force, Triggers inner entrepreneur, Shores up inner strength, Maintains focus on core needs

Solar Plexus – Citrine - Self-confidence, Courage

Prosperity, Self-respect, at one with Joy, Peace & Love

Heart – Lepidolite - Embraces and balances emotions, Attracts love into inner circle, Calm, serene, tranquil & peaceful

Throat – Turquoise - Activates creativity,

Helps you speak your truth with love and beauty,

Exceptionally beneficial for any kind of writing and communication, Inspiration for mental blocks.

Third Eye – Lapis Lazuli - Focused, Know the truth, Opens intuitive senses, Calms feelings of anger, rage & emotional turmoil

Crown – Mookaite Jasper - Strength, Grounding,

Focuses on self-worth, self-confidence & courage,

Stone of motivation promoting well-being & inner strength, Increases endurance